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Click here to visit the #CreateCOP27 virtual exhibition.



#CreateCOP27 invites creatives of all nationalities, races, genders and faiths,
aged 14-30 to submit work that generates conversations around the urgent need
for climate action and raises awareness of the important decisions being
made at COP27, the United Nations’ annual climate summit.



Applicants can apply with any medium,
including – but not limited to – photography projects, docu-style
and experimental film, performance art, spoken word, musical compositions,
fashion design, new media, and social media projects.



Eight finalists will be awarded cash prizes of $10k, $5k, or $2k,
and an additional 20 creatives will receive honorable mentions
by a globally recognised jury of industry experts.



In 2019 and 2021, hundreds of young artists from 94 different countries submitted works.
You can see the winners here on the Art Partner website.

Click here to view more.

Click here for full bios.

Press and Exposure

All finalists and honorable mentions will have their work exhibited in a virtual exhibition hosted by and featured on the @artpartner Instagram (362k followers). They will also have the chance to be featured in international press and media supporting #CreateCOP27.

Our Partners

#CreateCOP27 is an art contest presented by Art Partner with support from the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa,
and the GEF/UNEP ISLANDS Programme. With special media collaboration from EcoResolution and Fundación Populorum Progresso.

Earth Partner

Art Partner has been increasingly committed to creative and purposeful climate initiatives through its sustainability division, EARTH PARTNER.

#CreateCOP is one of the many initiatives we have undertaken to promote a more earth-positive future.

Follow us on Instagram @earthpartner for more updates.
